Welcome to Phlox Umbra


Brittney, Kevin, and Deckard


Creating art in the quiet evenings of Collinsville, IL, Phlox Umbra emerged from a simple yet profound concept: to create art that resonates with soul and story. It's here, in the after-hours of work and parenthood, that Brittney and Kevin weave their magic.

Brittney, the artist of Phlox Umbra, meticulously crafts each piece with a dedication that's palpable in every line and curve. Her work, spanning from bespoke leatherworks to enchanting woodburnings, carries an aesthetic that's as unique as it is captivating.  She melds elements of nature, fantasy, and a distinct blend of cottagecore and gothic art.

Kevin complements this artistic journey by steering the helm of business operations. His contribution extends beyond the day-to-day; his influence is also present in many of the creative aspects that Brittney brings to life.

The name - Phlox Umbra - a tribute to ancient linguistics, represents the combination of flame and shadow that is central to many of the pieces.

At the core of Phlox Umbra is our belief in authenticity and craftsmanship. Our approach is straightforward: create art that stands out, art that speaks to the heart of those who hold a deep appreciation for the handmade and the meaningful.

Our audience is as diverse as our art. They span across ages and interests, united by a common thread - a love for art that tells a story, pieces that are not just owned but treasured.

We're more than just an online presence. Our roots are in our community, where we share our passion at local farmer's markets, connecting with people who love art as much as we do.

Looking forward, Phlox Umbra is on a path of expansion. From adding new arts and craftworks to the store such as paintings and handmade soap to dreaming about dedicating our full time to this venture, we're excited about what the future holds.

Phlox Umbra is more than a store; it's a piece of our hearts, a canvas of our dreams, and a space where art comes alive. We invite you to join us on this extraordinary journey.